

Weave allows for an arbitrary over-under pattern of threads or ribbons. The individual threads may be constructed of any shader.

Tiles U and V sliders

  • These sliders set how many times to tile the base weave pattern.

U and V Spacing sliders

    These set the spacing between the threads. Spacing and thread widths are RELATIVE not absolute.

Width U1-5, V1-5 sliders

    These sliders set the widths of the threads. Thread width and spacing are RELATIVE not absolute. (Ie 10, 10, 20 is the same as 1,1,2)

U1-5 and V1-5 shaders

    These are the shaders for the threads. They can be simple or complex. You MUST fill from shader 1 to shader 5 without skipping any! Blank shader entries cause the plugin to think it has reached the end of the data. If you want stripes, just leave U1 or V1 blank while populating the other.

Background shader

    Values from this shader are used where there are no threads.

Shader Compression, Along and Across checkboxes

    Shader compression allows you to sample a shader down such that it will fit within a thread. If you check Across, the shader will be sampled down across the thread. If you check Along, each segment of the thread, where it runs on top of the cross threads, will have the sampled down shader. If you check both, the entir sub-shader will be sampled down into each segment. Note that this shader is UV based- if you try to sample a shader that is not based on UV space, it will not smaple down correctly.

Mode radio buttons, Basic Mode or Advanced Mode

    Basic Mode is a quick way to do a simple weave. It uses U1 and V1 only. None of the other shaders or widths are used. The On top checkbox matrix is also overridden. (If you haven’t figured it out yet, those are all of the controls below the line. ;-) Adanced mode enables all controls.

On top checkbox matrix

    These checkboxes allow you to make any arbitrary pattern of crossovers.

3-D Across and 3-D Along checkboxes

    Enable 3-D shading when used in Color channel. Enable bump when used in Bump channel.

Across and Along Intensity sliders

    Set how strong the across and along effects are. Smaller numbers are less intense.

Wiggle and Edge Intensity sliders

    These sliders control two distortion modes. Wiggle is a large scale distortion wapring. Edge distortion adds effects along the edges of the threads. The base values are taken from the Wiggle and Edge shader channels and then modified by these slider settings.

Wiggle and Edge shaders

    These shaders control two distortion modes. Wiggle is a large scale distortion wapring. Edge distortion adds effects along the edges of the threads. The base values are taken from these  shader channels and then modified by the corresponding intensity slider settings.

Mask Only and Invert Mask checkboxes

    These checkboxes allow easy mask generation, with all threads black and all spaces white, or vice-versa. It overrides any color choices made in the U, V, and Background shader channels. Very useful for the Transparency channel.

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